hip hop
Break-Even is a Hip-hop and Breakdance student association. Break-Even started off as a Breakdance student association back in 2005. The association started then started teaching Hip-hop in 2016! The Hip-hop hours consist of 2 hours a week which are both taught by our Hip-hop teacher Andres Rivas. Next to only Hip-hop, we alternate from some different styles during workshops, such as heels, house and dancehall.
The different levels are all on Wednesday, between 20:15 and 23:15, on a rotating schedule.
Beginner class
This class focuses on dances that are more simple to learn, but challenging enough to expand your dance moves! The choreography is taught at a slower pace, so everyone is able to keep up.
Intermediate class
If you have a little bit of dance experience Intermediate is for you. The choreos are slightly more challenging and the class will have a faster pace if everyone is keeping up.
Advanced class
This class has a more pronounced focus on techniques. Here you can challenge yourself to try out more complex dances.
The choreographies are more difficult and are taught at a fast pace. The teacher also often watches more closely to give some helpful feedback on dance techniques.
The location
Is the Audiozaal, which is a room in the Vrijhof. The Vrijhof is a building located at the campus of the University of Twente. If you want to join a lesson to see if it’s for you, you are always welcome! You can send an email to the board (board@breakeven.utwente.nl) that you plan on dropping by!
Our hip hop classes are very focused on having a great time while dancing and finding your own style. Our teacher likes to go crazy and so should you! You can check out our Instagram to discover the choreographies that our teacher has taught recently We truly have dancers from all skill levels that want to help each other and cheer each other on. The room will never be quiet and we want to thank Joey for making sure of that. Don’t hesitate to email us or check our open lessons page if you are interested!